Human Worth Utility token ecosystem

Why we propose this

  • Every person is capable & willing to contribute his/her time, skills, resources, network and contribute to society, (if is given the unobstructed opportunity to do so)
  • The term Human Worth and how it can be exchanged, can be revealed as an economic force ,capturing exactly the significance of that potential which is either unutilized, suppressed, distorted or manipulated output by our current scarcity-based socioeconomic system which devalues the true worth of human contribution to the economic life.
  • We consider it to be the most valuable and abundant economic resource and when we tap into it and nurture it, we would be able to multiply economic activity 100s of times over.
  • We base our economic model for the utility ecosystem on that economic principle and we reverse demand & supply by providing the supply BEFORE in order to stimulate the dormant demand.
  • For that reason we issue and distribute the Human Worth Exchange Utility Tokens for free as a donation to a massive population size, starting from the ones who need it most.



  • These tokens would be distributed to 3rd world slum communities through a rapidly expanding network of NGOs towards supporting health, education, employment, well-being & spiritual enhancement
  • It will be focused primarily on children, women and youth by promoting bartering, employment, entrepreneurship, microcredit & community projects.
  • Initially $1.215 bil tokens (worth $1 each) would be issued and will be distributed for free to millions of poor households, children & youth projects via 60,000 participating NGOs
  • More tokens will be issued in a pre-set structure that would move along the supply’s absorption rates.


  • More tokens will be issued as rewards to NGOs to distribute the utility tokens within their communities and set of activities
  • Further tokens will automatically be issued as rewards to the DHES service providers and the small merchants for participating in the $W ecosystem.
  • Additional tokens will be issued in pre-set structure to reward certain pre-described ways of utilizing the tokens, incentivizing selfless behavior & community project investment –

 Ethical Responsibility “benefits & costs”

  • While selfless & community-focused behavior & actions would be rewarded, on the contrary egotistical personally motivated actions would be “penalized” to set degrees depending on the actions taken.
  • Direct Human Energy Services (DHES) -meaning direct human interactions without the involvement of products would maintain their value, with the $W face value equaling their trade value at 100%
  • Further selfless altruistic community driven behavior will be additionally rewarded – by  increasing their trade value to 163% of face value.
  • Personal consumption engaging the fiat-based economy such as products’ acquisition will be  “value penalized” – reducing their trade value to 37%

True Asset backing


  • The entire concept & significance of assets is been rewritten by our Human Worth Exchange Foundation. The key concept of the $W Utility token is to demonstrate in action that true & abundant economic value lies in the recognition of non-interfered, freely allowed direct human interactions.
  • Our scarcity-based economy  suppress, limits, distorts, discards or manipulates economic output by using the control of physical assets, means of production or information as its survival weapon.
  •  Therefore the need and measurement of assets becomes obsolete and is replaced by the scope of vertical & horizontal cross-section socioeconomic activity. 
  •  The same scarcity-focused system proliferates on promoting an egocentric view of human life, creating an artificial disintegration of community life and causing human separation, which facilitates political/economic/religious/social control.
  •  The 1st part of the equation is that the true asset is the energy produced directly by human interaction which when is not suppressed, is accumulatively abundant– this is.
  •  The 2nd part is when is utilized selflessly, compassionately, community/environmentally sensitive , it naturally & abundantly grows and becomes more harmonic & efficient in its flow, enhancing its overall value & worth.
  •  The expansive growth of the Utility token and the opportunities it would provide to businesses , would be the true and demonstrated asset increasing the appeal & worth of the utility token which again will enhance the size and scope of those business & investment activities and the underlying asset base, in a self-reinforcing manner.
  •  Utility tokens would also later-on be commoditized to PoS or other local/regional/global investors and made available for purchase in blocks (most likely through purchases of the PoS tokens-in-Trust, rather than direct trading of the Utility tokens which should rather stay legally & tax-wise a strictly utility token).
  •  They would come with attached benefits of preferential access to the utility token markets at either a local or regional or global scale,  either before or during their maturity at different negotiated rates.
  •  The earlier the entry the cheaper the cost and higher the access rights. This probably has to be flexible to allow evaluation of different circumstances in different locations depending on the utilization rate and No of tokens purchased.
  •  This access would provide to these investors, local/countrywide/ global sponsorship promotion, exclusive or preferential supply of products services to the utility ecosystem market, preferential purchasing rights of products/services provided by the NGOs or other utility system providers.
  •  Purchase prices would be adjusted according to the expansion & utilization No of them.
  •  All the proceeds would be funding the Ethical utility ecosystem.

HWE ($W) Utility token local & global value enhancement

  • Densely congregate the supply of the utility tokens in local clusters in order to achieve critical local mass and optimal synergy in its cross-utilization.
  •  Expand the number of participating people and organizations.
  •  Expand the geographical reach where the token would be utilized -yet in dense clusters.
  •  Expand the diversity of applied sectors by integrating the token to all aspects of people’s lives – education, vocational training, employment, health, child care, spiritual life, leisure, financial options, thus creating a synergistic easily accessible & valuable ecosystem for all participants.
  •  Expand the versatility & methods of the tokens’ utilization, assignment, credit/debit, trading, barter & conversion,  by incorporating mobile apps, social media, chat rooms, online support, fintech partner apps, mobile credit, microcredit, “trustee” networks.
  •  Develop our own private ledger blockchain, exchange, wallet, payment/conversion systems to facilitate & secure the utility token transactions and minimize costs for users rather than rely on existing exchanges .
  •  All the above will be integrated on blockchain infrastructure secure protocols.
  •  The utility token’s  abundant supply would NOT cause any inflationary or depreciating side-effects as our current fiat system has. The reason is because it would always be value-backed by the undeniable self-worth of all people contributing to the ecosystem and the registration of their productive services of time, work, or money credited & debited to their accounts. congregate the supply of the utility tokens in local clusters in order to achieve critical local mass and optimal synergy in its cross-utilization


Ethical Utility Tokens targets

  • Strategic & active NGOs which can rapidly, selectively & productively distribute tokens where most needed. Primarily in 3rd world countries or in significantly disadvantaged groups in other countries.
  •  Individuals & Small Businesses in sectors of society that our Utility token supports – health, education, vocational training, employment, child care, spirituality, leisure.
  •  Corporate Businesses & Organizations which would be able to participate as Sponsors seeking to promote their brand or their products/services or gain preferential merchandizing access to the ecosystem.


Ethical Utility Tokens primary end-beneficiaries in terms of priority

  • Children charity projects focused on their safety, health, nutrition, education, well-being & spiritual development.
  • Women empowerment through further education, vocational training, microcredit, small businesses.
  • Youth empowerment projects focused on social sensitivity, further education, vocational training, small business ventures.
  • Community projects focused on health care, education, vocational training, employment, child care, spirituality and eventually on every other aspect of life.Through the development of:
  • Spiritual development in action ( compassion, solidarity, volunteering, donations).
  • Self-worth empowerment via commoditizing Self-employment opportunities.
  • An alternative community-based P2P, B2B, B2P, P2B economic system.

“Our $1.2 billion Donation” to the World

– The initial $W Utility tokens supply would be $1.215 billion/1.215 billion tokens. We Issue at launch & Distribute for free 1,215,000,000 utility tokens (at initial value $1:$W 1 token)

  1. A $99 value $W tokens to 9.999 mil people

(Start from healers, teachers of all types, monks, NGO workers and expand to all human socioeconomic interactions) = $990 mil  AND

  1. A $450 value $W tokens to 495,000 NGO organizations

(start from NGOs focused on poverty, health, education, children, women, small businesses, meditation and expand to businesses addressing every aspect of human life ) = $222 mil

For easier integration in different countries, our utility token would have coded currency conversion to be reflected in local currencies.

So whoever claims $W 99 utility tokens in i.e Kenya would receive $W kes 10,600.

– In order for the donation to be claimed all participating business providers AND all recipient Individuals & Organizations would be required to download our App and register.

The 1st part of the operation

– We will contact a wide range of NGOs, community leaders & “Trustees” & inform them of the new project.

– Then a simultaneous local campaign will be launched by all of them and Social media  aiming to sign-up & register , key providers of DHES (Direct Human Energy Services) plus product small merchants , so that the system becomes sustainable and claims can be fulfilled across the board. It has to be attractive for the public to claim and for the business operators to join and then claim the tokens with other business operators

Once the key services/products providers are registered then a loop of inter-exchanges can create a functioning system.

– All participating small businesses would be supplied with both rewards & credit lines to extend to users :

  1. a $W 99 reward for registering to act as a DHES affiliate & offer their services to users
  2. a $W 396 reward for registering to act as a Merchant affiliate & offer their services to users
  3. a $W 297 credit line extended to each DHES affiliate
  4. a $W 594 credit line extended to each Merchant affiliate

– On the top of the above free utility tokens business affiliates will receive for joining into our ecosystem, they  will be getting free publicity, wider recognition and higher customer traffic than before, due to the injection of more purchasing power added to their business revenue.


The 2nd part of the operation

Once the basic network of affiliates , the DHES providers & the product merchants providers is completed, then another campaign would be made to invite NGOs and the public to register and claim those utility tokens.


The terms & conditions of that utility tokens donation to INDIVIDUALS will be the following:


  1. Each individual person has the basic following options to claim it:

The value of the individual $W 99 will increase or decrease based on their utility.

(how they are used with our affiliated entities/individuals):

  1. DONATION: – It will increase to $W 171 if used as a gift transferred to an NGO registered organization –

$W 99 is credited to the recipient NGO and a further $W 72 is awarded to the donor.

(the face value of $W 99 is increased by 72%).

It can be also divided to more than one recipient OR be partially donated.  The donor could either use those new $W 72 OR keep donating them to an NGO and receive a new reward of another $W 51.84. He can keep doing the same and keep been rewarded with 72% of any amount donated. It is the act of donation which is constantly rewarded and ends up to be more financially lucrative for the member.

  1. DHES Direct Human Energy Service: – The face value will stay the same $W 99 if used as a barter OFFER of DHES (direct human energy services) IN EXCHANGE FOR a DHES (direct human energy service) offered through our affiliate network of DHES providers.

 The value of the $W 99 would be the usual & customary value in US$ of a same or similar service or product in local currency values. It can be also divided to more than one transaction.

(the face value of $W 99 is maintained the same and the balance would be NIL.

  1. PRODUCT PURCHASE: – The face value will decrease to $W 36 if used for personal consumption to buy products or services from our affiliated outlets.

(the face value of $W 99 is reduced by 63%) and his account will be closed..

The value of the $W 36 would be the usual & customary value in US$ of a same or similar product or service in local currency values . It can be also divided to more than one transaction.


  • Claimants of type 1 (donation) who introduce 9 new individuals (or 3 NGOs) to register would be rewarded with another $W 99 donation.
  • Claimants of choice 2 (DHES service) once use those tokens for DHES will result with NIL token balance on their account. If they wishes to reclaim a $W 99 token donation, they could regain that right by introducing 12 new people (who can also claim the $W 99 token donation in any of the 3 ways) or 4 new NGOs (who can also claim the token donation in any of the 3 ways).
  • When a claimant of choice 3 (product purchase) has sold his right and had his account closed, if he wishes to re-enter the system and reclaim a $W 99 donation, he could regain that right by either:
  • a) paying $9 in cash or
  • b) donating to our utility system $27 in product face value or
  • c) introducing 18 new people or 6 new NGOs (who can also claim the donation in any of the 3 ways).

These conditions are intended to incentivize people to think twice before opting for a quick sale of their right in cash or a product purchase.

Whenever claimants don’t have an affiliate in their area to claim their utility tokens, they could introduce someone to become an affiliate.

All participating businesses would be supplied with both rewards & credit lines to extend to users :

  1. a $W 99 reward for registering to act as a DHES affiliate & offer their services to users
  2. a $W 396 reward for registering to act as a Merchant affiliate & offer their services to users
  3. a $W 297 credit line extended to each DHES affiliate
  4. a $W 594 credit line extended to each Merchant affiliate


Any defrauding attempt to falsify transactions, their true nature, the true values or the true recipients or refusing the exercise of the tokens by users would be penalized with deletion of both (the giving and the receiving) members’ accounts and permanent exclusion from the utility system. Additionally it would be published in our platform, blemishing the involved people in the local community, prohibiting them from interacting with others.

Our token donation is valid in full for 90 days to be used in any of the 3 forms. If users opt for donating the tokens , their validity extends for 90 days from that donation date , so that Time becomes a commodity, prompting action within reasonable time.


The terms & conditions of the $W utility tokens donation to NGOs will be the following:


Each NGO organization has the basic following options to claim it:

The value of the organization’s $W 450 will increase or decrease based on their utility

(how they are used with our affiliated entities/individuals):

  1. DONATION:$W 774 if used as a gift transferred to an NGO registered organization – $W 450 credited to the recipient NGO & a further $W 324 is awarded to the donor (the face value of $W 450 is increased by 72%).

It can be also divided to more than one recipient OR be partially donated.  The donor could either use those new $W 324 OR keep donating them to an NGO and receive a new reward of another $W 234. He can keep doing the same and keep been rewarded with 72% of any amount donated. It is the act of donation which is constantly rewarded and ends up to be more financially lucrative for the member

  1. DHES Direct Human Energy Service: – Face value will stay the same $W 450 if used as a barter OFFER of DHES (direct human energy services) IN EXCHANGE FOR a DHES (direct human energy service) offered through our affiliate network of DHES providers

 The value of the $W 450 would be the usual & customary value in US$ of a same or similar service or product in local currency values. It can be also divided to more than one transaction. (the face value of $W 450 is maintained the same and the balance would be NIL

  1. PRODUCT PURCHASE: – Face value will decrease to $W 166.5 if used for personal consumption to buy products or services from our affiliated outlets (the face value of $W 450 is reduced by 63%) and his account will be closed.

The value of the $W 166.5 would be the usual & customary value in US$ of a same or similar product or service in local currency values . It can be also divided to more than one transaction

Claimants of type 1 (donation) who introduce 45 new individuals (or 9 NGOs) to register, would be rewarded with another $W 450 donation

Claimants of choice 2 (DHES service) once use those tokens for DHES will result with NIL token balance on their account. If they wishes to reclaim a $W 450 token donation, they could regain that right by introducing 60 new people (who can also claim the token donation in any of the 3 ways) or 12 new NGOs (who can also claim the token donation in any of the 3 ways)

When a claimant of choice 3 (product purchase) has sold his right and had his account closed, if he wishes to re-enter the system and reclaim a $W 450 donation, he could regain that right by either:

a) paying $45 in cash or

b) donating to our utility system $135 in product face value or

c) introducing 90 new people or 18 new NGOs (who can also claim the donation in any of the 3 ways).

These conditions are intended to incentivize people to think twice before opting for a quick sale of their right in cash or a product purchase.

Whenever claimants don’t have an affiliate in their area to claim their utility tokens, they could introduce someone to become an affiliate

All participating businesses would be supplied with both rewards & credit lines to extend to users :

  1. a $W 99 reward for registering to act as a DHES affiliate & offer their services to users
  2. a $W 396 reward for registering to act as a Merchant affiliate & offer their services to users
  3. a $W 297 credit line extended to each DHES affiliate
  4. a $W 594 credit line extended to each Merchant affiliate


Any defrauding attempt to falsify transactions, their true nature, the true values or the true recipients or refusing the exercise of the tokens by users would be penalized with deletion of both (the giving and the receiving) members’ accounts and permanent exclusion from the utility system. Additionally it would be published in our platform, blemishing the involved people in the local community, prohibiting them from interacting with others.

Our token donation is valid in full for 90 days to be used in any of the 3 forms. If users opt for donating the tokens , their validity extends for 90 days from that donation date , so that Time becomes a commodity, prompting action within reasonable time.

The “Utility Donation” system may appear initially a little complicated to grasp and rigid in its terms. However the word will be spread around by the ones who use it both individuals , DHES providers, merchants and NGOs and everyone would like to be rewarded with  the utility system’s free tokens.

The ones who opt out of using it more productively, will soon realize that they have missed an opportunity to maximize their purchasing trading power and they would seek re-entering the system by recruiting others, further enhancing the spreading of the network.

Additionally all individual users, DHES providers, merchants and NGOs would all seek to refer other merchants & DHES, so they can expand the network they can exercise their tokens




Our commitment towards a serious social investment is this initial supply of 1.212 billion $W Ethical Utility tokens (with an initial face value of $1.212 billion ) which would be freely donated to millions of people. An estimated 50,000 NGOs will distribute through their networks the $W 1.2 billion towards the most needy local slum households, children & youth projects based on our HWEF set of priorities & guidelines

We aim to reach the most vulnerable 3rd world populations, which undeniably need urgent assistance and in the following sequence of priority:


  • Firstly towards the children, focusing on their Safety, Health, Nutrition, Education, & Spiritual development. The aim would be to reach & support 75% of the children of each local slum community in at least 2 of the above fields. Children have no options whatsoever, paying the highest and most unfair price of all. Their well-being should be our civilization’s top priority because our adults mistakes pass-on and unnecessarily mortgage their lives with more poverty, disease & death, perpetuating a vicious cycle and endanger our species overall.
  • Secondly towards their main caretakers, their mothers, grandmothers and close family members who need further education, vocational training,  self-employment alternatives & microcredit support to put food on the table, afford basic education and provide a nurturing environment for their children. The aim would be to reach & support the 25% of the poorest households of each slum community who have children under their care, by providing at least 1 of the above solutions. Recipients will receive either a total of $W 450 or a business grant of $W 1,000 over a period of 6 months or a subsidized employment opportunity PLUS further support for child care, education & health for their children
  • Thirdly towards the youth who need further education, vocational training & employment before they get swallowed by dead-end futility and seek solace in alcohol, drugs, violence & crime. The aim would be to reach & support 25% of the youth of each local slum community by providing at least 1 of the above solutions. Recipients will receive either a a business grant of $W 1,000 over a period of 6 months or a subsidized employment opportunity PLUS further support for child care, education & health for any children they have
  • Fourthly towards the small communities which desperately need socially cohesive sensible solutions and an injection of economic input, so they don’t  disintegrate into social alienation & spiritual turmoil. The aim would be to reach & support indirectly the population of 25% of their slum community inhabitants by providing social, sports, cultural solutions and engaging them in them.

The project will gradually expand to every other aspect of life thus creating a synergistic, easily accessible & valuable ecosystem for all participants
It will also expand the versatility & methods of the tokens’ utilization, assignment, credit/debit, trading, barter & conversion, by incorporating mobile apps, social media, chat rooms, online support, fintech partner apps, mobile credit, microcredit, “trustee” networks

We would be focusing on the development of:

  • Spiritual development in action ( compassion, solidarity, volunteering, donations)
  • Self-worth empowerment via commoditizing Self-employment opportunities
  • An alternative community-based P2P, B2B, B2P, P2B economic system

The Utility token users would – in predesignated ways – be rewarded with more utility tokens for selfless behavior & community project investment VS been “penalized” for personal consumption & fiat conversion. Absorption of the supply will trigger automatically further token minting and distributions

The utility token’s abundant supply would NOT cause any inflationary or depreciating side-effects as our current fiat system has. The reason is because it would always be value-backed by the undeniable self-worth of all people contributing to the ecosystem and the registration of their productive services of time, work, or money credited & debited to their accounts.

We have recognized that we have to do this in a responsible, cautious way, so not to create unintended side effects due to the increasing money supply which should enhance but not destabilize the local fiat-based economies. We would maintain the added value supply at around 20%-25% of the fiat-based money supply and increase gradually from there on. We estimate that because there is a hidden demand  in these under-privileged slum communities, it would easily absorb our extra value supply without destabilizing the existing economies.
A delicate balance should be maintained, to create a positive impact while avoid attracting any undue adversity from interest groups, such as businesses, underworld or government entities which thrive on scarcity, control, manipulation & corruption.

The Ethical Utility Tokens would be acquired by:

  • Strategic & active NGOs which can rapidly, selectively & productively distribute tokens where most needed. Primarily in 3rd world countries or in significantly disadvantaged groups in other countries.
  • Individuals & Small Businesses in sectors of society that our Utility token supports – health, education, vocational training, employment, child care, spirituality, leisure.
  • Corporate Businesses & Organizations which would be able to participate as Sponsors seeking to promote their brand or their products/services or gain preferential merchandizing access to the ecosystem.,

Our 1st Kenyan Project

As we mentioned before it is important to establish presence in dense residential clusters in order to build critical mass of cross-utilization of the utility tokens across the public, the merchants, the NGOs & entrepreneurs.
It would be best to focus in a specific area which can easily expand organically rather that replicating many small operations in distinct locations

We will start from Kenya as the 1st pilot project 3rd world country to launch the utility token to the city of Nairobi, in a large slum neighborhood and specifically Kibera, the largest in Africa.

The utility token to be used in Kenya will be called KES-W

There are several reasons for that choice.

– Kenya has an established mobile payments system, which would be easy to integrate the utility token.
– It has among the highest use of cryptocurrencies in 3rd world countries.
– It has among the most functioning legal & administrative systems in Africa which can relatively speaking ease logistical issues.
– English language is relatively established, which would facilitate initial communications obstacles.
– It has also a developed NGO presence.

– It also has a tourist industry which can be integrated later on into the business activities of our project.
– Nairobi is a city with a sizable population (but not megacity) sufficient for the utility token to expand and it has relatively speaking adequate business environment to integrate local entrepreneurs and small or large businesses into the network.
– There are approximately 3.5 million slum dwellers in about 200 settlements in Nairobi representing 60% of the Nairobi population and occupying just 6% of the land.
– Kibera houses about 400,000 – 600,000 of these people (although estimates range between 250,000 to 1 million), It is the biggest slum in Africa and one of the biggest in the world. The Government owns all the land.
We intend to associate with locally based NGOs & Harambees as well as regional & local “Trustees” utilized by Kiva.
– Finally, our key sponsor H.E.A.L. International Foundation has some experience in financing Kenyan projects and is familiar with the environment, especially in KIbera , which can be very useful in the early stage of our project.


– We assess that the launching in that country, city & neighborhood as well as the activation of a local support & distribution network, is optimal. This population is exactly the type which will benefit most of the $W ethical utility token’s use. Most own very little besides a cel phone, the 20% who can access electricity a tv & a fridge, a bicycle and 4% of them a motorbike or car. They are indebted, unbanked, informal economy workers and most of their life revolves around a few blocks where are all markets, shops, schools, leisure & socialization will proliferate the utility token’s usage and services exchange, much faster than most places.

It would be easy for the token’s use to spread across the entire Kibera township and that would be the testing & fine-tuning ground on how we implement the token in other locations, fine-tuning flaws & improve admin & services.

The platform would gradually expand into providing health, child care, employment, education, vocational training, small business ventures, microcredit, leisure opportunities, solidifying its value for the users.


– The Human Worth Exchange Foundation would essentially serve as a temporary Trustee of the common welfare, monitoring the adherence of those common good values  until the communities mature and become able to responsibly handle their own affairs according to these above stated values.

– When this maturity & community responsibility is reached, the communities themselves will take-over as Trustees of their own lives and interactions and the Foundation will simply act as coordinator and not as centralized decision maker. We estimate this to be accomplished and local projects to be spin-off  within a 5-year period from its launch.


KIBERA Money Supply & KES-W Distribution Strategy

– We have recognized that we have to do this in a responsible, cautious way, so not to create unintended side effects due to the increasing money supply which should enhance but not destabilize the local fiat-based economy. We would maintain the added value supply at around 20%-25% of the fiat-based money supply . We estimate that there is a hidden demand  in these under-privileged slum communities and our extra value supply would easily be absorbed  without destabilizing the existing economy.

– A delicate balance should be maintained, to create a positive impact while avoid attracting any undue adversity from interest groups, such as businesses, underworld or government entities which frequently thrive on scarcity, control, manipulation & corruption.Whenever possible, HWEF would try to include and integrate – rather than antagonize or alienate – those interest groups.

-Community-ownership and community self-administration is essential for implementing sustainable change. In contrast the usual Foreign NGO approach focus in emphasizing misery, giving out money that do not necessarily empower people and not encourage community participation, creating a dependency to the NGO goals or donors goals, becoming prone to mismanagement & attracting corruption.
HWEF does not seek donors either internationally or locally and has no government, business, religious or ethnic affiliations. The $W belongs to the people who use it and is available by Life itself, not by people or organizations with hidden agendas. HWEF simply sets up the platform for those human community interactions to occur.


– The Kibera population is unclear -claims range between 250,000 to 1m. However if we attempt an estimate based on Kibera’s geographical area size we may come closer to the real resident number. The total Kibera size is 550 acres, equaling about 2.2 km2 -2.2 mil sqm. If we deduct roads, other common use areas and commercial structures – been a 25% of the total – that leaves a total residential area of 1.65 mil sqm.  If we estimate the average slum dwelling to be 14 sqm, that translates to 118,000 dwellings x 5 people average, it equals a total No of 600,000 residents at the most.

If this assumption proves correct, we need to focus our support towards the poorest 25%  of those households (30,000) over a period of 12 months by distributing KES-W 49,500 to each household during a 6-month period x 15,000 households/6 months or 30,000 households/annum.

However the population assessment may not be accurate due to that the average No of people per household has shifted over the years. They may be 3-3.5 people/household which would mean that the actual total population may be 400,000 but still living in 120,000 households.

We also estimate that the average household earns and spends within the local Kibera economy an average of KES 22,000/m, the poorest KES 11,000-16,500/m while the ones with formal jobs KES 27,500-$33,000/m.



Those estimates  bring the money supply to about KES 1.375 billion/ month or $16.5 billion/annum

– Of course this is a rough estimate without taking into consideration neither economic input from other communities, & regions , nor economic output flowing into other communities, areas. There is probably more money generated by the total households but we estimate that more money leaks outside of the local economy rather than coming in. It would however serve as a guideline, so that Kibera is not flooded with excessive value supply which may cause unintended side effects.

Therefore HWEF will inject a value supply of KES-W 3.96 bil, (valued at KES-W 3.96 bil) to be distributed by about 100 NGOs & Harambees as follows:



Amounts are in $W face value and refer to annual distributions

  1. Provide Financial support to the poorest 30,000 households with KES-W 49,500 each, spread over 6 months on a sliding scale of KES-W 11,000 to KES-W 5,500/month. KES-W 1.76 bil
  2. Promote Self-Employment entrepreneurial opportunities primarily for women & youth. Facilitating microcredit of KES 27,500-55,000 for 3-6 months, (provided by KIVA at interest of 10% in cash or 25% in KES-W) and fortified with a HWEF grant of KES-W 110,000, spread over 6 months. They can use it for living expenses or/and to pay in part the interest in whichever way they estimate as most beneficial for them.
    Entrepreneurs won’t qualify for additional donations offered to households KES-W 55 mil
  3. Create Employment for 1,500 people, by rewarding employers with KES-W 8,250/month/position plus supply employees with ΚES-W 16,500/month. Employers pay them KES-W 8,250 less/month therefore making their hiring almost cost free.

In that way employers would receive a net benefit of ΚES 16,500/month and employees a KES 8,250/month KES-W 330 mil

  1. Subsidize children education, by rewarding qualified schools which provide food & health care, with KES-W 1,650/month/child and parents with KES-W 1,100/month/child schooled KES-W 165 mil
  2. Subsidize children health care, by rewarding doctors, clinics & other therapists with KES-W 1,650/month/child (if they discount KES 650) or KES-W 3,300 if they provide for free KES-W 165 mil
  3. Subsidize child care options (beyond schooling), by rewarding nurseries, kinder, schools, babysitters – depending on the type of facilities, services & hours KES-W 82.5 mil
  4. Promote Adult Education & Vocational Training options, by subsidizing courses offered to participants for free KES-W 110 mil
  5. Subsidize Adult Health Care, by rewarding clinics, doctors & therapists in similar manner as children health care KES-W 110 mil
  6. Subsidize the cost of Drinking Water, Electricity & Waste treatment for Kibera user households KES-W 110 mil
  7. Reward all the Service Providers – DHES barter, Merchants and NGO distributors KES-W 550-770 mil


This KES-W 3.96 bil face value can be exercised/spent on services & products provided by the following parties:

1800 DHES Direct Human Energy Services (Barter) providers

Hair Salons, Motorbike/bike repair, Electrical appliance repair, Health workers (doctors, nurses, therapists), Educators, Instructors, Electricians, Constructors, Plumbers, Movers, Clothing/Shoe repair and all other repair or other direct human services

800 Small Merchants selling products or indirect services

Mini markets, Small restaurants, Bakers, Clothing outlets, Cel phone credit vendors, taxis, Electronics, Schools/Child care, Toys, Food items street & market vendors, Pharmacies, Optical, Clinics/ Labs, Petrol street vendors, Hardware stores, Building materials, Furniture shops, Internet cafes, Gift stores, Household items stores, Street food vendors and any other small stores

Other NGOs & Harambees beyond the 100 Distributors

The initial number of the 1800 DHES and 800 Merchant providers is considered  adequate for a full coverage of the entire community. The actual number will fluctuate depending on the level of the KES-W users’ demand  that will seek absorption plus the performance of the providers who may be replaced if inactive or deleted/expelled from the network if they refuse to accept the KES-W or commit distortions or fraud


In order to  promote direct barter DHES human services, the exercise values assigned to spending will be as follows:

KES-W 11,000 spent on DHES providers will maintain the same KES-W 11,000 exercise value as face value.

Spending on Merchants will reduce the exercise value to KES-W 3,960. (minus 63%)

Spending on Donations to NGOs will increase the exercise value to KES-W 17,930. (plus 63%)

The same principle will apply to all exercises on secondary and subsequent layers



– Our most preferred option would be to allow selected NGOs (not the large international ones) to become the exclusive distributors of the donated KES-W tokens to a) the various projects b) the individual/family users and c) the DHES & Merchant affiliates.

They would be more experienced, networked and able to assess urgent needs and address them rapidly. If that proves successful and rapid, HWEF would not distribute directly

– However if some or many NGOs cannot effectively distribute the KES-W tokens or distort its purpose, then we will either replace them with other NGOs or directly distribute the KES-W through our local office, dividing the Kibera township in geographical zones or sector types (i.e providers) in order to avoid overlapping & competing forces between our office & NGOs.



HWEF will provide the initial credit line in advance to providers.

In specific KES-W 33,000 spent/claimed towards DHES providers and KES-W 66,000 spent towards Merchants.

This credit would have to be accepted/utilized in between 1-3 months. Upon full utilization of that credit line, providers will receive


DHES providers will receive KES-W 22,000 when register + KES-W 11,000 upon fulfillment of the credit line exercised by users

Merchants will receive KES-W 66,000 upon registering + KES-W 27,500 upon  fulfillment of the credit line exercised by users

NGOs will receive in KES-W approximately a 10% of the amounts they successfully and properly distribute


It is estimated that the users will exercise (at least initially) their face values in the proportions of 20% towards DHES providers, 75% towards Merchants and 5% towards NGOs. This will bring the  KES-W exercise value down to about KES-W 1.65 bil (1.3- 2 bil) taking into consideration the reduction of exercised values in further subsequent layers of utilization.

It is predicted that the rush by users to spend the KES-W towards Merchants will clog their overall number of requests due to the Merchants inability to accept more KES-W than their credit limits. This effect is intentionally designed in order to force users to redirect their KES-W spending towards DHES providers and NGOs or slow down their pace of spending on Merchants

It is important to preserve the overall KES-W supply to not exceed KES-W 2 bil/ann even if that supply may initially overshoot. The face value depreciation of the KES-W exercised towards Merchants and the subsequent months of recycled KES-W  will reduce the pressure on the network while entraining the users to spend more wisely following the value enhancement.

Additionally it is important to not flood the Kibera economy with excessive value, respecting all the vested interests of the Fiat economy and the major players such as businesses and take into consideration the presence of corrupt officials and underworld interests- whom we don’t wish to antagonize but rather integrate into the adoption of the KES-W values

A team of HWEF admin staff and a team of on the ground inspectors, under the guidance of the Project manager will monitor the authenticity of transactions and collect feedback from both providers & users in order to improve the efficiency of the KES-W utilization by all parties.

The HWE platform will permit partial or total assignments of KES-W to other individual people – but not to Merchants (in order to avoid manipulation of transactions which may appear as assignments while they are in fact trading and in that manner distort its exercise value).

The new recipients will have to register and verified that are not Merchants – although they can be DHES providers


From the 2nd year onwards, while the KES-W supply would have been consolidated and proven itself of being a commodity value, certain actions would gradually commence in order to develop self-sufficiency & self-financing of the KES-W ecosystem.

  1. Contact advertisers to access our large captive market through Billboards, platform’s app pages & newsfeed, Providers’ app pages, user members’ mobile apps & social media, in-store ads
  2. Seek business sponsorships for exclusive or privileged access for their products & services under special negotiated deals with Merchants & DHES providers’ places of business as well as direct sales
  3. Gradually start reducing the $W supply, forcing a KES-W appreciation due to an increase in demand. Capitalize on this to initiate an arbitrage trading of the KES-W, by purchasing unwanted or unutilized KES-W for 3% of their face value (through our platform app or via our authorized agents) plus selling them for 12% of their face value to merchants & other wholesalers who can capitalize on the commodity value gap


  1. Address the urgent living needs

Poverty, basic utilities’ access, employment & self-employment, child & adult education & health care

  1. Develop sustainability

2.1. engage Kibera residents to actively participate in as many activities & projects they can

2.2. collaborate & network with government agencies, other NGOs, FB groups, maximizing efficiency

2.3. establish business ventures & coops to provide employment/training & inject fresh capital into Kibera via export of products/services including tourism & business investors

2.4 commence raising fiat revenue via trading of the KES-W, strategic sales of KES-W blocks to businesses, business advertising & merchandizing, in order to cover the operational fiat expenses and create sustainability

  1. Enrich their other areas of life

Developing culture, sports, leisure community projects

  1. Empower Kibera to claim ownership of its own affairs as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization

4.1. establish a fair democratic self-governance system utilizing the HWE app for voting plus legislative & administrative initiatives, bills & laws

4.2. manage fairly & transparently audit its local GDP via decentralized finance tools, visible to the public

4.3. develop empowered relationships with the rest of Nairobi, the country & the world


The Kibera HWEF project would be the pilot project to test and refine before implementing in slum communities in Kenya and across the globe



Next Projects

  • Once we saturate the Kibera and the other Nairobi slum townships we can extend its use across the whole metropolitan Nairobi area – which has 6.5 mil inhabitants
  • Next step would be the other 4 largest Kenyan cities of Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru & Eldoret. Among them have an additional 3.5m inhabitants.
  • Through Kisumu on the banks of lake Victoria, we intend to spread the utility token into Uganda & Tanzania , first by targeting all the lake’s ports. The areas around the lake face significant poverty and severe health challenges. Tanzania has a decent size tourist industry which would be assist business opportunities later on.
  • After a solid presence in these 3 African countries we plan to establish a presence in Asia.
    Countries like Myanmar, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia & The Philippines come first to mind but is not yet clear in what sequence
  • The next stage would be Latin America with priority countries been Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba.
  • The 1st first country in the developed world to launch the pilot project would most likely be the USA, and specifically the city of NY or LA

The choice of USA is primarily because of its crypto awareness, established social services, The choice of NY or LA is due to been large cities with distinct inequality which could engage a social action by different racial & ethnic backgrounds, economic classes and promote engagement of the millennials in social causes through their cel phone view of the world. The recent sensitivity towards racism & inequality would provide fertile ground for participation

By targeting 3 sectors:
a) Depressed inner-city “projects” areas residents
b) Networks of NGOs supporting those residents through the offer of shelter, food, health care, legal aid, etc
c) Networks of healers, instructors, teachers, lawyers, offering their services pro-bono to these NGOs .
Then match these 3 groups, stimulating their interactions and creating a mini ecosystem

  • Like mentioned above in our Mission statement, the Human Worth Exchange Foundation would essentially serve as a temporary Trustee of the common good, monitoring the adherence of those common good values until the communities mature and become able to responsibly handle their own affairs according to these above stated values.
  • When this maturity & community responsibility is reached, the communities themselves will take-over as Trustees of their own lives and interactions and the Foundation will simply act as coordinator and not as centralized decision maker.

Proof of Sharing crypto token

The Ethical Utility token project will be supported by the ICO of a parallel specialized Proof-of-Sharing cryptocurrency .


The token is a fusion of a stable-coin, an investment-asset coin and a utility coin.
 It is a stable-coin because it is fully asset-backed by cash, crypto holdings & tokenized investment ventures, audited quarterly (or even monthly when significant token price fluctuations occur) and have its book value adjusted transparently & unquestionably.
 It is an investment-asset coin because it gives the exclusive opportunity to ethically oriented individual investors (but not to professionals or corporations) to enter in its various growth stages, maximizing their returns from the foundation’s expanding business & investments . Those businesses & investments will be appreciating its assets & by consequence the token price.
The token market value will be determined by the community of its holders. For that reason no party (except the foundation) will have the right to hold more than 100 tokens (1% of total)
 It is a utility coin because its entire ownership, existence and purpose serve the Foundation’s non-for-profit social projects as the ultimate beneficiaries.

Our proposition for the nature of the Ethical Crypto token aims to bypass the conundrum of having to choose between Proof of Work or Proof of Stake, each of which carries its own benefits & flaws.

Proof of Work is a much more secure system & facilitates a more decentralized distribution of power & wealth – at the expense of a much lower energy efficiency, much slower speed & more expensive transaction costs.

Proof of Stake is a much more efficient system – energy wise, providing much faster speeds & much cheaper transaction costs – at the expense of much lower security plus the concentration of wealth & power to the hands of the fewer & fewer token holders, who can eventually manipulate the market and unduly influence its overall direction through their weighed voting rights.

What we propose instead is a model which we call
Proof of Sharing – PoSh

It incorporates elements of PoW and PoS but is none of the 2 and is designed on an entirely different basis.

1. The token is designed to serve only individual holders & only them can acquire, use it & benefit from it. Corporations & professional investors are restricted into holding the same token-cap of individuals, which is at launch a fiat vale of $200.

2. Individuals are encouraged to donate their tokens to their choice of a range of non-for-profit projects
• They receive for free a number of healing, well-being & educational/instructional online private sessions & groups classes, donated by therapists & instructors worth $900
• They receive an additional number of those sessions/classes at sizeable discounts, worth $900
Overall benefits of $1,800 received by the token donors are 9 times higher than the $200 purchase cost of their tokens and can be received gradually in the course of 12 months..
Thereby educate the world:
 of the higher value that can be received as a reward for sharing/donating,
 to recognize the hidden yet quantifiable economic value of “DHES” Direct Human Energy Services when applied undistorted among individuals and
 align it with the principles of the $W barter utility token, used by HWEF in the slum communities.

3. Impose a series of restrictions on the White paper, to preserve & proliferate its exclusive individual use and make it unappealing to corporations & professional investors who would be unable to possess any significant holdings, manipulate the market & take undue control of the token’s purpose & direction.
Among those restrictions are the following:
• At launch: a strict token holding limit of a fiat value of $200 per individual account/IP address/other detection methods, rewarding validators for revealing violations, making the token worthless to professional investors & corporations.
• At any point thereafter: a token-cap limit of not exceeding 0.1% of the total supply, rewarding validators for verifying violations and keeping it a wide community-orientated token.
• Assign only 1/3 of the total overall issuance to circulate & be traded in the open market, with another 1/3 to be earmarked as audited collateral of the token’s book value of the combined ethical businesses/investments assets and the last 1/3 to be donated to HWEF non-for-profit projects.
• Release only 1/3 of the total trading supply at launch (about 12% of total overall issuance) assigning distinct rewards & restrictions to 6 classes of tokens, targeting different needs.
• Release the remaining 2/3 of the total trading supply (about 21% of total overall issuance) in a decelerated-release schedule over the next 6 years.
• Make token ownership temporary, imposing a time holding lapse, between 2-6 years (depending on the token class), with guaranteed buy-backs by HWEF under a range of options.
The point of this is to educate the public that we ONLY USE energy in life – we can purchase it, sell, it rent it, earn it, lend it, borrow it, assign it, donate it, transfer it, but we can’t possess it or accumulate it out of greed or fear. Energy is not ours to hold permanently and needs to keep moving and be used by others. The ancient greek word for money is χρῆμα which has the meaning of usage & originates from χρέος which means debt.
Basically what the ancient Greeks meant, is that you use something which is not yours and you have to give it back.The significance of that concept is fundamental, as it actually means that the energy we receive is a gift for which we need to be grateful and we have the cosmic obligation to share and give it to others because it does not belong to us.This sharing is the very essence that enriches us and the others and is the foundation of abundance.
• Aim towards a gradual but steady redistribution of the bought-back tokens to an eventual 300 million individuals (proportionate to each country’s population) within the next 6 years, forming a truly representative & democratic global community, with a collective powerful voice to be exercised on an array of life affairs.

The PoSh token
o Contains PoS elements because it belongs to its stakers – yet because of its large ownership base is a decentralized model with no danger of manipulation or redirection by powerful token holders.
o It also contains PoW elements because there is an endless validation work done to ensure its protection from corporations or professional speculators interference, as well as verification of donation transactions.
It remains to be seen how to technically reconcile the 2 functions into a single system or design a split system.
In fact because trading would not include massive amounts of computerized trading by corporations & professional traders it may not need to be that fast.eventually upgrading it into a quantum computing platform, with flawless security cryptography, lightning speeds and infinitesimal transaction costs .

Token issuance & distribution

Issue a total of 1 billion tokens (333 mil total trading supply)
with the aim to eventually have 333 mil stakeholders through buy-backs and re-releasing
(spread proportionally to each country’s population for better representation).

Release initially at launch only 126 mil trading tokens at the price of 0.002 $/token
Cap of trading tokens/person 100,000
At 0.002 $/token launch price = $200 investment/person at launch
Max 12,600 token holders

Release more tokens on a predetermined decelerated sliding scale over the next 6 years.
Monthly Annually
——- 126 mil
6.3 mil 75.6 mil
4.5 mil 54 mil
2.7 mil 32.4 mil
1.8 mil 21.6 mil
900 k 10.8 mil
450 k 5.4 mil
Total 325.8 mil

PoSh token classes

Offer a range of acquisition options with different rewards assigned to different token classes A,B,C,D,E,F addressing all risk appetites.

A. 99% annual rewardwithout any token appreciation gains (or losses) – up to a max of 6 years.
Buy back at purchase price in 6 years (holder obligation) or earlier (holder option)
18,000,000 tokens of this class available at launch.
1,800 holders X 100,000 tokens each at $0.002/token – $200 investment.

B. 81% annual reward – with 18% token appreciation gains (if any) – up to a max of 5 years.
Buy back at purchase price + 18% of appreciation (if any) between purchase price & market price
18,000,000 tokens of this class available at launch.
1,800 holders X 100,000 tokens each at $0.002/token – $200 investment.

C. 63% annual rewards – with 36% token appreciation gains (if any) – up to a max of 4 years
Buy back at purchase price + 36% of appreciation (if any) between purchase price & market price
18,000,000 tokens of this class available at launch.
1,800 holders X 100,000 tokens each at $0.002/token – $200 investment.

D. 45% annual rewards – with 54% token appreciation gains (if any) – up to a max of 3 years
Buy back at purchase price + 54% of appreciation (if any) between purchase price & market price
18,000,000 tokens of this class available at launch.
1,800 holders X 100,000 tokens each at $0.002/token – $200 investment.

E. 27% annual rewards – with 72% token appreciation gains (if any) – up to a max of 2 years
Buy back at purchase price + 72% of appreciation (if any) between purchase price & market price
18,000,000 tokens of this class available at launch.
1,800 holders X 100,000 tokens each at $0.002/token – $200 investment.

F. 0% annual rewards – with 99% token appreciation gains (if any) – up to a max of 2 years
1% goes to a non-profit cause.
Buy back at purchase price + 99% of appreciation (if any) between purchase price & market price
36,000,000 tokens of this class available at launch.
3,600 holders X 100,000 tokens each at $0.002/token – $200 investment.


• Target retail investors with a small $200 investment,
• Provide security for the guaranteed rewards, via collateralized tokens audited quarterly and accounted into the liabilities of the balance sheets.
• Emphasize its ethical orientation due to its nature of business investments & non-profit projects,
• Underscore that it is a community-only token, shutting out corporations & professionals involvement & price manipulation.
• HWEF can always absorb any lack in demand by acquiring the unsold tokens by collateralizing their other tokens & holdings. Then sell them to the open market at a more opportune time.
• If demand is weak during the first 2 years, HWEF can cheaply buy unsold tokens and hold them.
• If demand is strong, it would generate solid cash flow & have retained earnings for later purchases when price may increase and suddenly drop.

The generous guaranteed rewards – backed-up by collateral, will imply a most-likely appreciation, making tokens appealing as low $ exposure, low risk, high-reward, ethically-oriented, donation-promoting, community-based, small-investment option.

PURPOSE of this project is
to practically demonstrate how energy & wealth can be quantified, grow and be shared in ways that are sustainable, productive & beneficial for all participants.


Business Investments

The 1/3 of the Proof of Stake crypto token’s supply would be directed towards business activities and investments in the sectors of Holistic Health care, Biotech, AI, Machine learning, FinTech, Blockchain tech, DNA storage, IoT, Additive manufacturing, Solar & Hydrogen power, Battery options, Quantum computing, ER & VR as well as selective financial markets.

  • The 2 tokens will interact in parallel & independent ways as well as in synergistic ones between them
  • The Utility token ecosystem will create an attractive market and opportunities for investors & businesses, finding financial reasons to support & sustain it
  • The nature & activities of the Utility token will increase the trust, appeal & perceived value of the PoS token
  • The PoS appreciating value and steady financial support will assist the Utility token ecosystem – because the large network of people & interactions would attract more investors & business people due to the multiple synergies between social & business opportunities . That would create demand for acquiring utility tokens at an increasing premium and expand the ecosystem’s overall value.
  • The Utility token’s ecosystem will shape a floating conversion rate with fiat as well as with the PoS token .
  • In a few years’ time, once the project has acquired substantial strategic business & financial assets and has developed a massive global utility market, would seek listing in the financial exchanges, raising more capital and converting the fiat capital raised into utility tokens economic activity, boosting further the overall value of both tokens.

In a nutshell the business activities & investments would support and enhance the value of the Proof of Stake crypto token – whose appreciation would finance the sustainability & expansion of the Ethical Utility token ecosystem activities and broaden its geographical reach globally.