
Our initial sponsor is H.E.A.L. International Foundation www.healinternational.foundation Its activities include the ownership & operation of a holistic health resort in Thailand since 1998 and since then, itself and its subsidiaries have had a legal presence, diverse business activities or charitable activities in the USA, Costa Rica, Panama, Australia, Thailand, Samoa, Singapore, Kenya, Tanzania, India & Brazil.

H.E.A.L. International Foundation has very similar philosophies and has been enthusiastic about  supporting our Human Worth Exchange project.

H.E.A.L. International Foundation has unwavering confidence in our project’s  success, which  will promote, expand & benefit its global holistic & children-related operations.

H.E.A.L. International Foundation has committed to us a significant funding pledge of in the forms of cash in bank accounts, crypto assets, shares in companies, property holdings & global business activities royalties & profits in the field of holistic health and we are financially sound to move ahead.

We don’t seek any financial  donations from the public, neither individuals nor institutions, because charity simply hides, distorts and perpetuates our poverty consciousness which is at the root of the issue. Donating money in order to exorcise our guilt, bloat our ego or derive a hidden benefit, lock us in it even deeper. Any financial contributions would be in the form of mutually beneficial principles between the associated parties.


We seek the affiliation of NGOs and other Community oriented projects – which would be inevitable, given the nature of our proposals and the benefits that these organizations will derive from their affiliations with us.

These affiliates would be the most essential & valuable part of our project as they are the ones which operate locally and have on the ground experience knowing how to assess the needs of the local communities. They would be the primary distributors of the utility tokens to the end beneficiaries.

Business Partners

These would include:

  • The DHES Direct Human Energy Service providers
  • The product merchants providers
  • The small & medium sized local businesses which would seek to gain access to the new markets created
  • The International Ethical investors – individual & institutional who would become stakeholders of the Proof-of-Stake crypto token and indirectly support the project’s sustainability & expansion
  • The International Ethical investors who would seek preferential access to that new market once it reaches a large size – in exchange of negotiated arrangements for the supply of products/services or/and the purchase of large blocks of utility tokens with attached rights (such as publicity, products or services distribution)
  • The fiat-based businesses in which we would be investing the 1/3 of the Proof-of-Stake tokens and which will bond with the utility network either organically or through conditions we attach when we do invest in them.
  • Governmental agencies, civic organizations, religious groups, with whom we would seek strategic partnerships, especially in jointly launching or coordinating infrastructure projects, educational & vocational training programs and employment creation opportunities.


The Human Worth Exchange members would be the end beneficiaries of the services to be distributed among them. In terms of priority are:

  • The children, who have no options whatsoever, paying the highest and most unfair price of all. Their well-being should be our civilization’s top priority because our adults mistakes pass-on and unnecessarily mortgage their lives with more poverty, disease & death, perpetuating a vicious cycle and endanger our species overall.
  • Their main caretakers, their mothers, grandmothers, close family members and orphanages who need urgent financial self-employment alternatives to put food on the table, afford basic education and provide a nurturing environment for their little.
  • The youth who need increased employment before they get swallowed by dead-end futility and seek solace in alcohol, drugs, violence & crime.
  • The small communities which desperately need sensible solutions and an injection of economic input, so they don’t disintegrate into social alienation & spiritual turmoil

We anticipate that their participation would serve as a catalyst towards spreading the word in their communities, further expanding our services and enhancing the impact of the project